Cleaning your Stanley knife blades effectively is a must for keeping your knives and blades in top condition. After all, why invest money on a Stanley 1992, Stanley 5192 or Stanley 1996 knife if you’re not going to look after it properly? Water can be used to keep your Stanley knife clean, as long as you follow the instructions below.
You can use water and soap to clean your Stanley knife blade, as this will effectively remove any dirt or any build up of oils that may have collected on the blade. Water must be used carefully though, as it can cause corrosion if not dried off properly or left on too long. If you do have to use soap and water on your Stanley knife blade, you must take care that the blade is rinsed properly afterwards with hot water to make sure all remaining soap has been removed. It is also important to dry the knife thoroughly afterwards, preferably using a lint free cloth.
If you want to keep your Stanley knife blade in the best working order, following these tips for cleaning it will ensure that your blade will last you the longest amount of time.